[[Btw, everytime I use Arial font I scream (to myself or in my head) "Ariel!" just like Sebastian did in The Little Mermaid.]]
I never understand people that buy the 4-pack Charmin at the Dollar Store each week...
First off, the paper is crap (har har) and just leaves puffs all over your ass.
Second, the rolls are good for about one day before they disappear. It's like FIVE sheets per roll, I swear to god.
Third - why is it always single dudes that buy this shit? Are their asses especially delicate?
Damn. I grew up with Scottissue 2-ply stuff that was the equivalent to using aluminum foil. And did I complain? NO! Because I didn't have fluff all over my ass afterwards!
First off, the paper is crap (har har) and just leaves puffs all over your ass.
Second, the rolls are good for about one day before they disappear. It's like FIVE sheets per roll, I swear to god.
Third - why is it always single dudes that buy this shit? Are their asses especially delicate?
Damn. I grew up with Scottissue 2-ply stuff that was the equivalent to using aluminum foil. And did I complain? NO! Because I didn't have fluff all over my ass afterwards!
[Thank you very much. And if you haven't realized by now, my posts are quite often NSFW]